CHOP Roberts Center for Pediatric Research earns ENR honor
SEPTA Crum Creek Viaduct Replacement earns ENR honor (Photo by Figg Bridge Engineers Inc)

November 20, 2017

Projects Receive ENR MidAtlantic Awards

We are proud to announce that last month the Engineering News-Record’s (ENR) MidAtlantic chapter honored two projects as part of the ENR MidAtlantic’s 2017 Best Projects on which Ground Reconsidered collaborated.

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Roberts Center for Pediatric Research received an Award of Merit in the Higher Education/Research category. Close coordination between design disciplines allowed for bridging the gap, literally and figuratively, between the site and its surrounding neighborhood. Ground Reconsidered designed the landscape planting, and detailed and documented over 4.5 acres of public realm space, much of which is built on top of building structure. Situated along the Schuylkill River, the site manages nearly all of its stormwater runoff with raingardens and cisterns. Lushly planted public spaces welcome visitors from South Street and the adjacent neighborhoods, and provides direct access to the popular Schuylkill River Trail via a newly constructed pedestrian bridge.

The SEPTA Crum Creek Viaduct Replacement Project received an Award of Merit in the Highways/Bridges category. While the replacement of the bridge was an engineering feat of its own, Ground Reconsidered prepared the landscape plan to restore and reestablish Crum Woods back to its ecologically rich state. The presence of Crum Creek, endemic geology, and varied topographic changes creates a naturally diverse landscape and abundant wildlife habitat. The landscape restoration plan will be nurtured over the next few years until the initial plantings are established under the care of the Crum Woods Stewardship Committee. (Photo courtesy of Figg Bridge Engineers, Inc.)